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Powder management

You have an automated powder dispensing project, you need help to choose the best way and the best tools ( not necessary ours ), we can analyse the possibilities to make automated dispensing of your powders and with which precision is it possible.

We are taking into account the physical properties : staticity, hygroscopic powders, cohesives, chemical resistances, biological activities and combinations of properties.

Automation projects

In a fully independent structure from any automation suppliers or robotic integrator, we supply consultancies to steer you in the way to define your project.

An automation project represents a lot of internal working hours, for the project definition, searching and contacting potential suppliers, defining specifications, it require an important availability and a lot of costs for the laboratory.

We can lead you at every steps of the automation project, from the specifications to the installation and Site Acceptance Tests. We also can bring our expertise in case of no functional application.

The success of your automation depends on the correct definition of your needs and on the correct integration in the laboratory structure.

  • Laboratory flows study
  • Automated tasks definition
  • Budget evaluation
  • Possible payback time study
  • Specifications
  • Contacts with suppliers
  • Laboratory layout
  • Working costs of the system ( disposables, maintenance ... )
  • FAT and SAT with the supplier
  • Audit of existing systems, for modifications or no functional applications

We are working in a lot of fields as :
- Sample Preparation for analysis
- Extractions
- Biochimistry
- Compounds libraries
- Pharmaceutical forms analysis
- Microbiology
- Tracability

non exhaustive list.